Setup Git for Unity
Git is a version control system that allows us to collaborate and maintain our project code. It is a command line editor that communicates with online repositories like to host our projects. is a free online repository. First you’ll need to create an account to use. After that, go to your search bar and search for Git.
Download the program for your Mac or PC and run the installer. Be sure to download the command line editor not the GUI client. Click through the installation process, leaving all the default and recommended settings.
After setup is complete, open start menu, type “git” in the search bar and open Git Bash.
Now its time to navigate to our project files. your current directory is displayed above the cursor. The ‘ls’ command will list the available directories. ‘cd’ followed by the directory name will move you into that directory.
Alternatively, you can open the file explorer, navigate to the desired folder, right click, select ‘show more options’, and then select Git Bash here.
you are now in your project directory. From here you can use Git Bash to control your project, create branches for collaboration, and many other operations.
Git Bash is your link between your online repository( and your local project files. This tool gives the freedom to work anywhere, so long as there is an internet connection. It also allows for global collaboration and a high level of organization and integration.